The Story Of The Ghost User (Sad Story- Nick Thombfelpberg)

This story is not really real. Its just fictional and has got a happy ending. Its started a long time ago when someone called Nick visited a haunted xat chat. ''Time to visit the good ol' xat and his chats'' Nick said.
Nick got connected on his new chat and find a PC (Private chat) . The writter was curren offline . The PC said:  ''Dear Nick, I know you want so badly to visit old,old,old,old,old chats. But please dont go to my chat. I closed it forever for the goodest of the reasons. So please dont go'' Nick was terrified. How it can be that possible? Why that guy closed his chat forever? Goodest of the reason? What did he mean by that? Did that guy was dead? Nick decided to hack chat and re-opened the chat.
It was empty as an abandoned house. So he hacked again and get main owner.                       
The background was creepy and the bg music even creepier. TO BE CONTINUED